Moffitt-eMerge Collaborative Healthcare/Hospitality Partnership: Work at Moffitt Cancer Center!

In an exciting collaboration, patient experience expectations and customer service best practices are at the heart of this service excellence curriculum developed in collaboration with Moffitt Cancer Center. eMerge students master skills in a simulated hospital patient room on the eMerge campus, created and fully outfitted by Moffitt Cancer Center. Training in a fully outfitted mini-hospital room controlled environment allows for more comprehensive learning than hectic on-the-floor training, particularly for those with cognitive or sensory challenges making them more sensitive to outside distractions.  This is a unique and innovative opportunity for people with disabilities, allowing many individuals who might otherwise remain entry-level workers to develop their skills and ultimately move into higher paid jobs that are part of a real strategy for career advancement.

Trainees will follow Moffitt’s policies and procedures on how a room is to be cleaned and disinfected. OSHA training will be provided to help each environmental worker learn about handling hazardous materials. Classes are taught by college level instructors familiar with various learning styles. The curriculum includes topics such as hand hygiene, waste management, and interim life-saving measures that may be necessary during a patient evacuation or disaster. This kind of innovative training gives the environmental staff a better understanding of not only the manual aspects of their jobs but the way they can best contribute to patient care. Workplace navigation skills will be taught as well as technical skills as hospital environmental health care workers will need to learn the appropriate ways to interact with the patients.

Moffitt Cancer Center (MCC) has waived the six month work experience requirement for its Environmental Services (ES) Technician 1 position with ES program certification.

Now enrolling!