Kaylin Villeme
My current position with MacDonald Training Center involves the following services for people with disabilities:
* Employment Services
* Supported Employment
* On the Job Training
* Pre-employment Training
* Job Retention Services
* Discovery Training in Progress
I bring 30 years of teaching experience in Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties to MTC. I have a passion for helping children and their families. I pride myself on being able to see the potential and the talent in every child.
In my downtime I enjoy collecting children’s books and spending time with my kids and my dogs!
I feel that my skills and personality align with We Are All We Need in that I have a passion and a desire to step up for people who cannot advocate for themselves.
My compassion and empathy for others, through teaching children and people with disabilities, inspires me to work with We Are All We Need to help nurture and foster young adults who have timed out of foster care. These youths need an advocate with a strong voice and I feel motivated to be that presence for them.
Thank you WE ARE ALL WE NEED for giving me the opportunity to be a board member for your wonderful organization.
Kaylin Villeme